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Add: 8 Guangming Road, Chenghe Town, Xiangyang District, Xiangfan City, Hubei, China 
Contact Person: Manager Liu 
Tel: +86-710-2741666
Mobile: +86-13908679683
Fax: +86-710-2741888

ProductsYour current location is:Products >> R22


Molecular formula CHCLF2 
Molecular weight 86.47
Quality standard

Grade Superior product First-class product Qualified product
Purity, %, min ≥ 99.8 99.5 99.0
Moisture, % ≤ 0.001 0.002 0.005
Acidity (as HCI)%, ≤ 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001
Evaporated residue, % ≤ 0.01 0.01


Physical properties

Boiling point, ℃ -40.82 Relative density (30℃), liquid, g/cm3 1.177
Melting point, ℃ -160.00 Vapor pressure (25℃), MPa 1.04
Critical temperature, ℃ 95.15 ODP 0.045
Critical pressure, MPa 4.75 GWP 0.01


The refrigerant can be used in reciprocating compressor, industry, commerce, and household air-conditioning system.


13.6kg/30P or 22.7kg/50P disposable steel cylinder;
108L, 400L, or 926L recyclable steel cylinder.

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